#73 - 7 reasons why you might feel stuck and how to get unstuck
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Hi there! I’m starting a new cohort of my course Leading authentically in digital times. If you feel that now is the time for you or your team to find more meaning, impact, and balance, without specifically quitting your job, be sure to enroll in this course on our website qileader.com. But enough self-promotion for now, let’s dive into the podcast!
7 reasons why you might feel stuck and how to get unstuck
It’s no surprise if you feel stuck in your job or in a certain project since many people are experiencing the same sensation. And it is so uncomfortable! After talking to many leaders and analysing my past experiences, I have identified seven reasons why you might feel that way.
1- Never getting the result you want
I have experienced this feeling many times before. Pouring your heart and soul into putting many actions in place, without achieving the desired result can be very upsetting. So how can you tackle this problem? Instead of looking at the actions you are putting in place, try looking at the beliefs and perspectives you are taking when putting these actions in place. Might there be a belief that served you in the past, but isn’t serving you anymore? Shift your perspective!
2- Not knowing what you want
You might be focussing on what others are telling you, what society is telling you, what your parents have told you. But do you know what YOU really want? By asking yourself that question, you could find out it might be time to do something else and move out from this uncomfortable situation.
3- A lack of meaning in your life
As you know, your to-do list never stops growing. You should do this for your boss, you should do that for your family or your friends. Instead of shoulding yourself, try to look for more meaning in your life. What do you think is truly important in life and is still missing? Strive towards that instead of always working on that to-do list!
4- You’re not living your truth
When people are asked what their biggest regrets are before they died, the number one reason was that they haven’t lived the life they wanted to live. So truly ask yourself: are you living the life you want?
5- The fears that hold you back
Everyone has their fears. But acknowledging these fears in difficult situations can help you overcome them and grow! So, what is holding you back? The fear of rejection, of not being good enough? The fear of financial instability? I want you to think about the worst thing that could happen. If that happened, how could you handle the situation? When I ask this question, most people will notice that their fear of the unknown is bigger than the worst scenario they could imagine. Having courage is moving forward despite your fears, it doesn’t mean not having fears! Remember that!
6- Not having the proper support
Whatever your problem is, it’s never easy to face it alone. It’s often a great idea to share it with friends or family. When you share your burden with someone else you feel lighter, and it might help you to shift your perspective again.
7- The feeling of not having a choice
Not having the choice… is probably the issue most people are facing. The feeling that you can’t say no, you must deliver this project and the next as well. The best thing you can do in this situation is changing your mindset and realizing that if you manage your energy, you do have a choice! When you feel energized you have greater ideas, you feel the courage to ask for things or get out of your comfort zone.
One more trick to turn things around for the better
With everything I face, every time I face another difficult situation, I try to see the situation as if I had chosen it that way. Because once you see a situation as if you had chosen it, it gives you purpose and meaning. And you know you are going to learn and grow. And for these hard situations, I always think about that one quote:
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.”
I hope you have learned a couple things today that you can apply when you feel stuck. If you think these tips can help your friends or colleagues, be sure to share it with them! See you in the next episode!